The exam editor is where you enter all pertinent exam findings. Each time you enter a new exam finding, ImpairMaster will immediately regenerate the impairment rating report for you. Once the report is complete, you can download the impairment rating report and save it on your computer.

The exam editor lets you add, modify, and delete exam findings from the exam. The layout of the editor has two part:

  • A searchable impairment navigator on the left
  • The report preview on the right

To add an impairment to the report, use the impairment navigator to locate and select the impairment. For example, to enter range of motion of the cervical spine, you would click: Spine -> Range of Motion Method (ROM) -> Cervical spine

Clicking on "Cervical spine" will open up the cervical range of motion form.

Now you can enter any range of motion measurements for the cervical spine. When you're done, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. For more information on how to use the various range of motion features, click here.

After you click save, you'll be returned to the Report Preview:

The Copy button (yellow arrow) will copy all of the text from the report and put it on your computer's clipboard. You can paste the unformatted text into any other application such as Microsoft Word.

Clicking on the vertical ellipsis (yellow circle) next to an impairment will pop-up a small menu that will allow you to take action against that impairment. For example, if you made a mistake or forgot to include something, you can click on the ellipsis, select "Edit" and ImpairMaster will take you right to the form so you can make the change. You can `delete an impairment from the menu as well.

The blue Exam Actions button will show you a menu of actions you can take against the entire report. For example, if you want to download the impairment rating report, you can select "Download Impairment Rating" from the Exam Actions menu.

When you're finished with the report, click the "Your Exams" button (upper right corner) to return to the list of recent exams.